New College Network


What is mentoring?

指导是一种协作学习伙伴关系,导师根据他们的知识提供与职业相关的见解, skills, and experience, as well as support and encouragement, to facilitate the personal and professional growth of a mentee.

师徒关系是学生和专业人士发展有意义关系的宝贵机会, built on professionalism, honesty, and openness, 这样可以促进学员和导师的成长和学习.

How will mentorship help me?

As a mentee, 你将与你的导师联系,探索和定义你未来的愿景! 通过与导师合作制定目标并确定实现目标的步骤,你将在学习和发展中发挥积极作用. 你将从一个致力于帮助你成功的业内人士(你的导师)那里获得与职业相关的知识!

As a mentor, you will have the potential to change a mentee’s life! 通过帮助学员探索新博网页毕业后的生活,你可以对新博网页社区产生积极的影响. By sharing industry-specific insights and experiences, 导师帮助学员对工作世界有更清晰的理解. 与学员一起工作也可以帮助导师进一步发展他们的专业技能.

Questions about Mentorship at New College? Contact the CEO at [email protected]

Additional Mentoring Opportunities

Calling ALL Rising Second Year Students – Become a Novo Mentee!

我们邀请您通过参加本次活动,将您的职业和专业发展之旅提升到一个新的水平 Novo Network Mentorship Program. 这个激动人心的机会将跨越2023-2024学年,作为Novo学员,您将:

  • 根据你独特的目标、兴趣、 & identities – you’ll connect with them once a month for support & 当你发现你职业生涯的下一步时,要有洞察力
  • Use design thinking to engage in meaningful exploration, learning, and planning in 3 key areas – self, academics, & 职业-通过2023年秋季学期的学分课程

If you have any questions about the program, reach out to Ellie Mobley, CEO Assistant Director and Career Coach, at [email protected].

你是否有兴趣在获得宝贵的见解和提高重要技能的同时,对当地社区的年轻人产生积极的影响? Become a mentor with one of our community partners today!

Big Brothers, Big Sisters of the Sun Coast
大哥大姐是一个全国性的青年辅导组织,为面临逆境的孩子提供支持关系, inspires potential, and helps improve their lives for the better.  为此,我们通过一对一的指导,促进建立在信任和友谊基础上的牢固而持久的关系. 阳光海岸的大哥大姐为超过1800个孩子提供一对一的辅导项目. 我们为青少年提供志愿成人导师,帮助他们留在学校并取得学业进步, avoid risky behaviors, maintain and develop positive relationships, and work toward a transition to a productive adulthood.

我们的校本项目为志愿者提供了每周一小时在学校与他们的“小朋友”见面的机会.  This may involve helping with homework or a project, 和他们一起读书,或者只是了解和倾听他们,同时以积极的方式引导他们. It’s about developing a friendship. 

社区项目是我们更传统的指导项目, where you meet with your Little outside of school 2X a month.  这通常包括做一些有趣的事情,比如你们都喜欢的活动——也许是参加一个活动, a park, movie, museum or festival, cooking, etc. — whatever interests you and the Little! 这是为了让他们接触到他们不一定能得到的经历和机会, while building an important bond.

我们也有额外的项目,如运动伙伴和超越学校的围墙, a workplace mentoring program.


Take Stock In Children Manatee
Take Stock in Children Inc. 是一个非营利组织,一次一个学生地改变佛罗里达. Working in every county throughout Florida, our mission is to break the cycle of poverty for low-income, 为学术合格的学生提供指导和接受高等教育的机会. We offer college scholarships to students, provide caring volunteer support, and instill hope for a better life. Our comprehensive services begin in middle school, continue through high school, 并且在我们的大学评估项目之后仍然是一个支持系统.

Mentorship at Take Stock In Children Manatee Looks Like:

  • 在学年(约10个月)期间,每周与初中生或高中生进行30分钟的一对一会面(实际上直至另行通知)
  • 了解更多关于成为儿童海牛导师的信息 here!

UnidosNow是一家501(c)3非营利性组织, 其目标是通过教育和提高西班牙裔/拉丁裔社区的生活质量, in doing so, elevating the quality of life of the entire community.

如果你能在丰富自己生活的同时改变别人的生活呢? Mentoring is a chance to connect, inspire, and grow. You don’t have to have it all figured out. Instead, commit to possibilities over perfection. As a mentor, 你们是UnidosNow项目不可或缺的一部分,你们在帮助我们的学生实现上大学的梦想方面发挥了重要作用. 我们正在寻找善良的人来指导小学,初中和高中的学生. 如果你想要一个机会,通过与别人分享你是谁来帮助他们实现他们最大的潜力, complete an application at and find out how you can become a mentor. 

Get career advice from a real pro!


我们的专业人员提供职业建议和指导,包括职业信息, professionalism, job searching, networking, interviewing, resumes, and more. 这个忠诚的志愿者团队重视你从新博网页获得的强大的文科荣誉教育,并能帮助你将其转化为职业上的成功.

Learn more about the professionals!

Interested in serving as a Professional in Residence? Contact the CEO at [email protected]